Musical ultrasound

The Spanish singer Soraya Arnelas uses Babypod daily during her pregnancy and she came to Institut Marques to perform a musical ultrasound. I will never forget the singer’s face of happiness. She herself recognized that in no other session had she seen those movements of tongue and mouth that the baby performed while hearing the music sent vaginally through Babypod.

The chords of “Ballade pour Adeline” by Richard Clayderman made her smile and, for a while, she was able to see little Manuela Grace “gesturing” with his mouth as if she wanted to sing.

Soraya looked at the screen with emotion and explained how happy she felt to see how her daughter shared her same musical taste. “I love piano and, moreover, I personally met Richard Clayderman who dedicated this piece to me. That’s why I’ve chosen it for the ultrasound. My daughter obviously likes it too! ”

I am thrilled to think that thanks to Babypod, all women can communicate and put music to their baby during pregnancy and use it in their ultrasounds like Soraya. As she herself said “Babypod has allowed me to create a very special bond with my daughter. It’s like giving her a music lesson even before birth. It seems something really amazing to me!”


  1. Christina Reply

    I had 2 8cell no frag transfer 2 days ago. Today I was helping my husband trim the magnolia bushes in front of house. I noticed my heart rate speeding up & stopped. Was this to much physical doing after my transfer????

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Christina,
      This physical won’t affect your reproductive prognosis, but it will be wise to slow down a little. Best wishes.

  2. Hello, Dr. Marisa!

    Such a wonderful device this BabyPod! I’ve never heard about it but I think will give it a try in my future pregnancy. Do you think it isn’t dangerous to baby the volume level of this device when it’s inside? I think you don’t feel what is the real volume level inside of you. I think it’s also beneficial to simply listen to the music around you, so your baby listens to it too even without such a device. As I know, the best music is classic and relaxing.

    Thank you for an update!

    • Dr. Marisa López-Teijón Reply

      Dear Katia,

      How wonderful that you are considering to use baby pod during your next pregnancy! You don’t have to worry about the volume, since baby pod is set to sound at a maximum of 60 dB, so even if you turn up the volume on your headphones, the volumen emitted vaginally remains the same.

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